This description of home leapt off the page whilst I was reading a magazine 📖 earlier in the summer 🌞. I wonder what you think of it 💭?
It made me feel a confusing mixture of warmth ☀️ and sadness 😔.
The warmth ☀️ - for me, it beautifully describes what home can be.
The sadness 😔 - I’m aware many children don’t live these words 💙. This sadness often leaves me feeling powerless and unsure of what I can do. But I hold tight to the inspiring and hope filled words of @kierralm whose experience led her to write, “Never underestimate the impact you can have on someone’s world in just a few short meaningful hours.”
Never. Underestimate.
You may have something to add ➕🧸 🌎.
We all have our part to play 🌍 💕.
I wonder what home means to you? 🏡 💭 ⬇️
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