It’s a special day today 🌈 . Today is World Kindness Day. Today is Odd Socks Day. Today marks the start of anti bullying week. A few words 💙…
A little bit of kindness,
Goes a long way,
So share a little kindness,
And make somebody’s day.
Sending you lots of Wellbeing wishes,
Amy (aka The Worry Wizard 🧙✨)
#antibullyingweek #fromworriestowellbeing #worldkindnessday #oddsocksday #kindnessfuelskindness #onekindword #asktwice
#ChooseKindness #StandUpSpeakOut #NoMoreBullying #EndBullying #KindnessMatters #BeAnUpstander #SpreadLoveNotHate #InclusionMatters #StopBullyingNow #BullyFreeZone #SafeSpaces #TogetherAgainstBullying #EmpathyMatters #RespectEachOther #WordsHurt #CyberbullyingAwareness #LendAnEar #SupportingEachOther #NoPlaceForBullying #emotionalliteracy