🗓 When: Monday 25th October 11am-3pm
🌎 Where: The Nest, 22 Bridge Street, Chester. This is on the right hand side as you walk down from the cross toward the river, just a few shops down from the cross. It is the old Pro-cook/Steamer Trading unit for those of you who remember.
🔍 What: StoryhouseLive have invited The Worry Wizard to host a day of gentle, fun and imaginative activities designed to nurture emotional connection between you and your child. We’d love you to join us.
What do you do when a child you care about loses someone they love? Here at The Worry Wizard, we have developed a short animation, ‘Together Not Alone’, along with a Toolkit, to help you begin to navigate conversations about grief and loss with your child. In ‘Together Not Alone’, you will meet Ella and her friends who love spending time together. But one day, Ella stops coming out to play. Someone she loves has died. Ella’s friends feel lost. What can they say or do to let Ella know they are still there for her?
We would love you to watch our animation with your child, or the children in your care, before enjoying the activities within our Toolkot. Each activity draws out key themes in the animation, offering a gentle, fun and imaginative way to explore the story and nurture emotional connection with your child.

#togethernotalone #theworrywizard #fromworriestowellbeing #worldmentalhealthday #wmhd #childrensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawareness #childbereavement #childrenscounselling #headstogether #everymindmatters #schools #education #emotionalliteracy #parenting #parentingadvice #family #loss #grief #griefsupport #griefandloss #bereavement #bereavementsupport #wellbeing #community #amywadge