I’ve been reading a lot about pandemic fatigue this past week. Recognising the signs of it in my own world, this beautiful illustration by @sketchymuma lifted my spirits 🆙 🤍.
Thank you to @thepsychologymum whose brilliant writing helps to explain what so many of us are experiencing right now,
“There’s growing evidence that the pandemic may be causing increased fatigue…people have started to use the term pandemic fatigue to describe the exhaustion or mental exhaustion you may be feeling by living through months of uncertainty, stress, unpredictability and change…Our stress response has been ramped up for a long time, using our energy and body and brain resources. Combine that with less ability to take time out, to go on holiday or take proper breaks. Even when we try to, there’s still uncertainty and risk involved.
These words resonate so strongly for me. I see it in those I support, I feel it in my own world. It is so important we recognise it and acknowledge it and try to find ways to support ourselves with it. Simply accepting it is real and bringing it in to our conversation is a good place to start 💬💙.
Sending you (lots of) hope, love and joy as you start this new week, Amy✨
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