I spend a lot of time with children and young people questioning:
1: There is only one path in life, the straight path to happiness 📏❓⁉️🤨 (e.g. GCSEs then ‘A’ levels then a degree then a job you work to be promoted in and so on).
I enjoy sharing the idea:
1: There is a wibbly wobbly path in life 🏞, a non-straight path, a path that takes many twists and turns but one on which you may discover lots of happy along the way 🌈.
Today marks a lovely twist and turn on my wibbly wobbly path 🏞. Counselling and Psychotherapy is not my first career, it came later. Initially, I studied Drama and Theatre Arts in Birmingham and then began a career as a Stage Manager in the theatre 🎭. I absolutely loved it 🥰. But, as with all wibbly wobbly paths, change was required; health issues presented quite a big wobble and demanding theatre industry hours were no longer possible. An opportunity to retrain and so began my new path as a Counsellor and Psychotherapist 💚.
Today, I am back in a theatre 🎭. Working with the brilliant Young Storyhouse StoryhouseLive to offer them a Worry Wizard Funshop and to begin working on our upcoming animation ‘Together not alone’ 🎥, generously funded by Cheshire Community Foundation. Younger me would be delighted with where my path has taken me. I wish she could have known about today. One of the challenges with the wibbly wobbly path is believing, when you are faced with a big wobble ☔️, that good times lie ahead.
Here’s to the wibbly wobbly path 🏞. May we all spend time telling the story of ours to the children we know 📖. Together, we can dispel the oftentimes troublesome myth of the straight path to happiness, Amy✨
📷- unknown.
(I didn’t find time to post this on the day, so leaving it here now 🗓 💙 )
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