The Worry Wizard 🧙♀️ + Bigfoot Arts Education 🎭 = helping children move from Worries to Wellbeing✨ .
I am so excited to be back training with @bigfootartseducation today. It is over 2 years since I delivered my first training session to them. On that day I reflected that I’d be:
🌟talking about the importance of helping children tell their story - with storytellers 📖.
🌟talking about creating safe spaces for children to explore their emotional worlds - with people who create safe spaces for children every day 💞.
🌟talking about the need for children to learn about their feelings so that they are able to name them and then, in time, support them - with people who are passionate about creatively suporting children to help their Wellbeing shine ✨.
Together, Bigfoot and The Worry Wizard have now supported thousands of children to actively engage with their Wellbeing ✨. And we have only just begun. Later this week we introduce our brand-new Early Years Foundation Stage programme, 'I've Got Magic Inside Me!' 🪄. It is an exciting time for our work 💫.
If you would like to know more about our drama-based, mental health and Wellbeing programmes 🎭, don't hesitate to get in touch, Amy ✨.
#fromworriestowellbeing #everymindmatters #childrensmentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawareness #childrenscounselling #wellbeinginaction #childwellbeing #childrenwellbeing #wellbeing #mentalwellbeing #mentalwellness #selfcarefirst #emotionalwellbeing #childmentalhealth #childrenmentalhealth #parenting #wholeschoolapproach #mentalhealth #education #bigfootersdoitbest