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Together we can help your school's Wellbeing shine!



A tried, tested and proven Wellbeing programme, created by a specialist child counsellor for Primary Age Children


Introducing Wellbeing is a low input, high impact entry level programme that’s packed with everything schools need to offer their pupils a gentle, fun, and imaginative exploration of Wellbeing. 

Offering a Whole School Approach, the detailed assembly and lesson plans require minimal preparation and take the pressure off your teachers. They can be delivered at your preferred pace, over the year or as a focused programme over a shorter period of time. Created by a specialist children’s Counsellor & Psychotherapist, it can also be used within the scope of a broader PSHE framework.


“The Worry Wizard is ready to go, all lessons are planned. The content is packed with great tools and materials ready to deliver at your own time and pace.” 

Learning Mentor, Wild Bank Community School

We’re working with wonderful schools across the UK to positively impact the Wellbeing of their entire school Community.  If you’re seeking to support long-term, meaningful change in your pupils’ mental health, The Worry Wizard would love to hear from you.

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"Having The Worry Wizard in my daughter's school has been amazing.  Not only does it help her at school but it's helping us at home as she come home excited telling us about the exciting things she's doing at school then it helps us all as we are talking about it as a family.  Family time with well-being included, just perfect."


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Our Objectives

Our Impact


of respondents are noticing positive improvements in children’s emotional literacy in response to our Worry Wizard work.

of respondents agree that The Worry Wizard contributes to creating a respectful and nurturing environment.

View our latest Evaluation Report here.


“Our children love The Worry Wizard and are gaining a great deal from it.  The Worry Wizard has come at such a pertinent time when our children are feeling more anxious and appear to have more Worries on their shoulders than ever before.  This is certainly the time they need wonderful strategies like this to help them articulate all their anxieties and concerns.”

Headteacher, Primary School, Wales

£250 per annum for the whole school (equivalent to less than £21 per month).


Whole school fully animated assembly

Parental Engagement - Introduction letter and Homefun activity


Lesson plans with extension activity ideas


‘How To Make Your Wellbeing Shine!’ A1 poster


Fully illustrated classroom slides


Jack and The Worry Wizard storybook


Classroom display pack


Videos for both pupils and teachers


Personalised Wellbeing Greeting Card from The Worry Wizard (sent after completion of the programme)

All membership plans include:

  • Access to additional supplementary activities published frequently throughout the year

  • Early access to new programmes when released (no additional fee)

  • Additional physical resources mailed directly to your school each year


"I've already seen a big difference in children being willing to talk about their worries.  I'm aware of at least 3 examples of children (quite shy children) who have shared really important worries that they may not have done without the Worry Wizard - it's brilliant!"


Why Our Work Matters. 

(To find out even more click here)

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Schools are increasingly being urged to prioritise Wellbeing.  The Worry Wizard provides schools with a comprehensive, structured and creative approach designed to improve the Wellbeing of the entire school Community.  To bring the magical world of The Worry Wizard in to your classroom using our Wellbeing resources click here.

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Rather than placing adults in the position of expert, the Therapeutic Approach of The Worry Wizard encourages adults to journey alongside a child.  Teachers are invited to join WITH their class as, TOGETHER, they embark on an adventure to develop an active relationship with their Wellbeing.


The Worry Wizard supports children and adults to develop a shared language to explore Worries and Wellbeing in school, at home and in the Community.  When all key adults around a child are supported to gain a greater insight in to the child's emotional world, they are better equipped to help them to support it.

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